Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group meeting 2


Yuri: Has mental problem. Yuri gets mad at lead singer and goes back and kills his bandmates. Hit to death with a vase. Ends up getting caught at the end.

Recording in his friends Carlos's house (garage or backyard).

Title: Unplugged

Credits: M & J presents: "unplugged"

CCR: Doesn't have a set idea yet. Sofia suggested a cooking idea
Miguel is filming today and this weekend. Although he did mention it was a little late, the group assured him that he would have enough time to finish filming, editing, and complete his CCR. For his plot, Yuri is the main character in a band and he has mental issues. From what I understood, Yuri gets mad at the lead singer and the rest of the band for kicking him out of the band. Since Yuri has anger issues, he gets mad and kills everyone with a vase, but gets caught at the end. The title is "Unplugged".


Sofia was still filming, but she was trying to get ahead of her CCR. She was thinking of doing a cooking POV video, but the group recommended that she do something else because it is not related to media. Eventually, she ended up going with an interview style film where she pauses her movie and explains her process through recording different scenes. 


I have my filming done, but I needed help with ideas for my CCR. Some group members recommended that I do something government related. I was thinking of doing a podcast. As of now, that is the direction that I am heading in.


Renn is doing a western-style movie. She has her filming done and she is in the middle of working on editing. For her CCR, she has an idea of going on a bike and recording herself answering questions. For this idea, I think she is on the right approach by moving around and not just staying still, but I think this is a little similar to the talking head. 


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Day 3

 Day Three of Filming

Today I recorded the scene of getting arrested. First, I had to get angles of the cop car used. This was me trying to get the right shot:

I used low angles a lot when filming this scene. This was to show the cop meant business and was a brutal character.

For filming today, it was important to keep continuity. That is why I wore the same outfit. It is also important to have the costume design correct. That is why I had my actor dress as a cop. The actor is also a part of the local sheriffs office program and junior rotc. He knew exactly what to do in these situations.

Today we were able to film and get this scene down. Now there is only a couple shots we have to film before editing. 

Group meeting 2

Miguel Yuri: Has mental problem. Yuri gets mad at lead singer and goes back and kills his bandmates. Hit to death with a vase. Ends up getti...