Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group meeting 2


Yuri: Has mental problem. Yuri gets mad at lead singer and goes back and kills his bandmates. Hit to death with a vase. Ends up getting caught at the end.

Recording in his friends Carlos's house (garage or backyard).

Title: Unplugged

Credits: M & J presents: "unplugged"

CCR: Doesn't have a set idea yet. Sofia suggested a cooking idea
Miguel is filming today and this weekend. Although he did mention it was a little late, the group assured him that he would have enough time to finish filming, editing, and complete his CCR. For his plot, Yuri is the main character in a band and he has mental issues. From what I understood, Yuri gets mad at the lead singer and the rest of the band for kicking him out of the band. Since Yuri has anger issues, he gets mad and kills everyone with a vase, but gets caught at the end. The title is "Unplugged".


Sofia was still filming, but she was trying to get ahead of her CCR. She was thinking of doing a cooking POV video, but the group recommended that she do something else because it is not related to media. Eventually, she ended up going with an interview style film where she pauses her movie and explains her process through recording different scenes. 


I have my filming done, but I needed help with ideas for my CCR. Some group members recommended that I do something government related. I was thinking of doing a podcast. As of now, that is the direction that I am heading in.


Renn is doing a western-style movie. She has her filming done and she is in the middle of working on editing. For her CCR, she has an idea of going on a bike and recording herself answering questions. For this idea, I think she is on the right approach by moving around and not just staying still, but I think this is a little similar to the talking head. 


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Day 3

 Day Three of Filming

Today I recorded the scene of getting arrested. First, I had to get angles of the cop car used. This was me trying to get the right shot:

I used low angles a lot when filming this scene. This was to show the cop meant business and was a brutal character.

For filming today, it was important to keep continuity. That is why I wore the same outfit. It is also important to have the costume design correct. That is why I had my actor dress as a cop. The actor is also a part of the local sheriffs office program and junior rotc. He knew exactly what to do in these situations.

Today we were able to film and get this scene down. Now there is only a couple shots we have to film before editing. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

Day 2

 Day 2

This day, I started with the dialogue. Before shooting, I realized it was going to be necessary to have a script. After getting the script down, I was able to finally film. 

This day, we filmed the criminal doing a deal with the spy. When the spy leaves the scene to go get "something" from the back, the criminal is taken under arrest and knocked out. 

This is the footage gathered.
The plan was to make the criminal seem like a higher up. This is why we shot it outside with the dim lighting and with the lake in the background.

This weekend, I plan to get more shots in and be near the end of filming so I can begin editing next week.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

First Day of Filming

Filming Day 1

 The first day of filming came with its ups and downs. While I was able to shoot a lot of film, there were some problems that arose.

The Rundown


1. By far, the biggest problem was having to clear space in my garage. My family are hoarders. They keep everything and put it somewhere out of sight even if they never use it. We had a lot of stuff in the garage. Bikes, rugs, decorations, trophies, tools/equipment, literally anything you could think of, it would be in my garage. This took a WHILEEE. 

2. My friends are crazy. While filming the project, we had fake weapons. I guess the "fake" part didn't go through their heads, because they took it upon themselves to go Call of Duty mode. To make it worse, my other friends showed up out of nowhere and chaos erupted.

This is the link of the video we shot:

The good stuff:

1. I was very productive. We were able to get a lot of filming done with the two of us. We were able to shoot multiple scenes with the lighting that we wanted.

2. My dad found a powerful flashlight at his work. This worked great for the backlighting we wanted to incorporate. We found a stable and safe way to attach the flashlight to the ceiling, creating the illusion that there was a dim overhead light. This light was focused on the criminal. 

Overall, this was a productive day. I was able to film for a while and get the beginning scenes done. I look forward to film more parts of my movie over the weekend.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Getting the Lighting Right

 Final Planning Before Filming

This week, I begin production. Excited, yet nervous at the same time. This juxtaposition of feelings puts me in a tight spot deciding how I should take care of my lighting. In my storyboard I drew a tall lamp pointing down at the criminal. However, I now realize that this is a bit unpractical due to things like cost and lighting issues. Rather than that, I will opt for a large flashlight that will be aimed at the camera and the criminal's face. I have access to multiple flashlights used in criminal operations because of my dad and my significant other's dad. They both work for law enforcement. My dad works for ATF and my girlfriend's dad is a police officer. 

In the room where I am filming, there is a dim light that still allows people to see while being dark enough to create an ominous mood for my film. It also has a window to the side with I will cover up to make the lighting even darker and make the room seem more claustrophobic.

When the focus is on the interrogator, I want to use back lighting. I want to make the character seem intimidating and large with power. I want to dramatize the scene and add more mystery.

Color Hues

Hues are colors that create an effect for the viewers. I want to have little color to show the cold environment and the toughness of the interrogator. This will elicit some of the emotions out of the viewers. I want the level of saturation to be low.

Other than that, I believe I am ready to start production. I have my mise-en-scene elements ready to go, as well as my setting and my cast.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Props and Costume design

 Costume Design

Since the interrogator works for law enforcement, he should look like he is carrying out a job. How am I going to make this happen? Well, I have a couple props I could use as well as some clothes. I have a face mask, bullet-proof helmet, weighted vest, cargo pants, and FAKE weapons. And with a little help from my dad who works with ATF, I think I was able to come up with a design.

Setting the scene

This is one of the props I want to use. In one of my recent blog posts depicting how Pequenito was going to be portrayed, I mentioned that I wanted him to have a revolver. Since I thought this movie should be more modern, I am choosing to go with a regular hand-held gun.
I plan to hang this on the wall of the room I am filming in. Since the room has multiple ledges and areas to place stuff on, and the criminal is in a government facility, I should set the scene accordingly. 
Reminder: These are all fake weapons!

For my opening credit sequence, I am taking inspiration from the movie Se7en. Their opening scene included notebooks and manila folders with crime records inside of them. I plan to do the same.

Incorporating all of these props shouldn't be tricky. It should be rather easy to incorporate them, so I plan to include them as much as I can. The scene will be set by a table that has a rusted and bloody look to add emersion. All of this will come together to form a cohesive environment.

Set Location

 Considered Spots

It is very important to have a good film location for my opening. Without the right location, the opening may not represent what the director truly wanted to show. Since I live in a suburban area, it is pretty much homes and not that much diversity around here. However, there are a couple spots that I have in mind.

For reference, this is what the area looks like where I live.

As you can see, there aren't any places that scream "scary". That is a problem for my film opening, however I have a couple spots in the back of my head.

The dark room

For my opening scene, I want the criminal to be brought in with a bag over his head and tied up. Dragging him into a garage could work. My garage has a lot of open space and gets pretty dark when the lights are off. There are also areas where I could hang some props.

Flashback Scene

This view of the street could be used to show where the deal took place. The criminal driving away could be a possible shot.

These are just a couple of possibilities of where I can film my opening scene. I really want to create the perfect tense atmosphere for the viewer. I want to spark the feeling of being uneasy and suspense. If I am going to do that, I think filming during the night is necessary, and filming in a dark room is just as important.

Group meeting 2

Miguel Yuri: Has mental problem. Yuri gets mad at lead singer and goes back and kills his bandmates. Hit to death with a vase. Ends up getti...