Thursday, February 27, 2025

First Day of Filming

Filming Day 1

 The first day of filming came with its ups and downs. While I was able to shoot a lot of film, there were some problems that arose.

The Rundown


1. By far, the biggest problem was having to clear space in my garage. My family are hoarders. They keep everything and put it somewhere out of sight even if they never use it. We had a lot of stuff in the garage. Bikes, rugs, decorations, trophies, tools/equipment, literally anything you could think of, it would be in my garage. This took a WHILEEE. 

2. My friends are crazy. While filming the project, we had fake weapons. I guess the "fake" part didn't go through their heads, because they took it upon themselves to go Call of Duty mode. To make it worse, my other friends showed up out of nowhere and chaos erupted.

This is the link of the video we shot:

The good stuff:

1. I was very productive. We were able to get a lot of filming done with the two of us. We were able to shoot multiple scenes with the lighting that we wanted.

2. My dad found a powerful flashlight at his work. This worked great for the backlighting we wanted to incorporate. We found a stable and safe way to attach the flashlight to the ceiling, creating the illusion that there was a dim overhead light. This light was focused on the criminal. 

Overall, this was a productive day. I was able to film for a while and get the beginning scenes done. I look forward to film more parts of my movie over the weekend.

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