Monday, February 24, 2025

Getting the Lighting Right

 Final Planning Before Filming

This week, I begin production. Excited, yet nervous at the same time. This juxtaposition of feelings puts me in a tight spot deciding how I should take care of my lighting. In my storyboard I drew a tall lamp pointing down at the criminal. However, I now realize that this is a bit unpractical due to things like cost and lighting issues. Rather than that, I will opt for a large flashlight that will be aimed at the camera and the criminal's face. I have access to multiple flashlights used in criminal operations because of my dad and my significant other's dad. They both work for law enforcement. My dad works for ATF and my girlfriend's dad is a police officer. 

In the room where I am filming, there is a dim light that still allows people to see while being dark enough to create an ominous mood for my film. It also has a window to the side with I will cover up to make the lighting even darker and make the room seem more claustrophobic.

When the focus is on the interrogator, I want to use back lighting. I want to make the character seem intimidating and large with power. I want to dramatize the scene and add more mystery.

Color Hues

Hues are colors that create an effect for the viewers. I want to have little color to show the cold environment and the toughness of the interrogator. This will elicit some of the emotions out of the viewers. I want the level of saturation to be low.

Other than that, I believe I am ready to start production. I have my mise-en-scene elements ready to go, as well as my setting and my cast.

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