Friday, February 28, 2025
Day 2
Thursday, February 27, 2025
First Day of Filming
Filming Day 1
The first day of filming came with its ups and downs. While I was able to shoot a lot of film, there were some problems that arose.The Rundown
1. By far, the biggest problem was having to clear space in my garage. My family are hoarders. They keep everything and put it somewhere out of sight even if they never use it. We had a lot of stuff in the garage. Bikes, rugs, decorations, trophies, tools/equipment, literally anything you could think of, it would be in my garage. This took a WHILEEE.
2. My friends are crazy. While filming the project, we had fake weapons. I guess the "fake" part didn't go through their heads, because they took it upon themselves to go Call of Duty mode. To make it worse, my other friends showed up out of nowhere and chaos erupted.
This is the link of the video we shot:
The good stuff:
1. I was very productive. We were able to get a lot of filming done with the two of us. We were able to shoot multiple scenes with the lighting that we wanted.
2. My dad found a powerful flashlight at his work. This worked great for the backlighting we wanted to incorporate. We found a stable and safe way to attach the flashlight to the ceiling, creating the illusion that there was a dim overhead light. This light was focused on the criminal.
Overall, this was a productive day. I was able to film for a while and get the beginning scenes done. I look forward to film more parts of my movie over the weekend.
Monday, February 24, 2025
Getting the Lighting Right
Final Planning Before Filming
Color Hues
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Props and Costume design
Costume Design
Setting the scene
This is one of the props I want to use. In one of my recent blog posts depicting how Pequenito was going to be portrayed, I mentioned that I wanted him to have a revolver. Since I thought this movie should be more modern, I am choosing to go with a regular hand-held gun.I plan to hang this on the wall of the room I am filming in. Since the room has multiple ledges and areas to place stuff on, and the criminal is in a government facility, I should set the scene accordingly.Set Location
Considered Spots
The dark room
Flashback Scene
Saturday, February 22, 2025
How I Plan to Incorporate Sound
Possible sound clips
Other sounds
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Pequeñito (Carmelo)
How I made my character
I know that my character needed an alias that he goes by, but he also needed a real name. I researched male Hispanic names and came across a website that listed 689 names. On the fourth page a name stood out to me: Carmelo. Although the meaning had nothing to do with it, I was familiar with this name because of my childhood. I am a fan of the New York Knicks, and Carmelo Anthony was an all-star in 2013. Most people link the name Carmelo to Carmelo Anthony from the Knicks.Why Pequeñito?
Pequeñito's Identity
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Group meeting
Group Meeting #1
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Creating a Schedule
Creating a Schedule
- I will research different film openings to brainstorm and get inspiration for my opening.
- I will research different film credit sequences to brainstorm and get inspiration for my own credit sequence.
- I will develop the plot and write the script for the movie.
- Have all my music and sound assets ready to use.
- Finish the storyboard
- Choose set location and actors
- Film scenes
- Edit
- Reflect on blog posts and decisions and why I made those decisions.
- Research
- Plan
- Blog Posts
- Research
- Develop plot
- Blog posts
- Finish plot
- Finish storyboard
- Blog posts
- Decide film location and crew
- Film scenes
- Edit scenes
- Include foley sounds
- Finish editing if needed
- Reflect on decisions and review
- Cushion
- Review final Creative Critical Reflection
Film Credit Sequences
Creating a Credit Sequence
Movie Credit Sequences
Film Openings Studies
Film Studies
IT (2017)
Sinister (2012)
Halloween (1978)
Halloween is another influential horror movie, as seen from its seemingly endless sequels and spin-offs. When Michael murdered his sister, it left a taste in people's mouths. All of these three films had kids as their main character. I believe that is such an important part about making a film memorable. In my scene, I plan to have a teenager and an adult together, and the adult influencing the teenager in some way.
Main Takeaway
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Choosing My Genre and Research
Choosing my Genre and Research
Thriller movies
Drama: How to develop an interrogation scene
In the movie unhinged, the opening starts off at night and with rain. This already creates an eerie atmosphere. It makes the viewer get on the edge of their seats already. Next, we see Russel Crow take an alcoholic drink and take off his wedding ring. This makes it clear he is going to do something frightening. In the next sequence, he walks out his car with a hammer, breaks into a house, and murders his ex-wife and her new boyfriend. He burns the house down by pouring gasoline all over the floor and lighting it on fire. This scene is regarded as "unwatchable" by the Boston Herald.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Transition into Cambridge Portfolio Project
Transition into Cambridge Portfolio Project
Group meeting 2
Miguel Yuri: Has mental problem. Yuri gets mad at lead singer and goes back and kills his bandmates. Hit to death with a vase. Ends up getti...

Group Meeting #1 Hello! For the start of week three, my teacher put the class into groups so we could discuss about our project ideas. I was...
Summary For this project, we were given a specific word and create ways to convey the word to the audience without using dialogue. The stor...
Summary During the sound lesson and assigned videos, I learned how to use sound correctly to give a scene dimension, add emotion through mu...